We want to help you make an informed decision regarding the value of your oil and gas royalties.
The largest number doesn’t always mean the best offer.
Sure, the bottom line figure is an important part of the offer you hope to receive for your oil and gas royalty interests. But the largest number doesn’t always mean the best offer. The truth is, more goes into estimating the value of your producing oil and gas royalty interests than simply the average of a few recent statements. Things like current market price and demand, production history, well count and life expectancy, geology, and so on.
At Vista Royalties, we focus on making sure you understand everything about your offer.
You’ll get top dollar, regardless of market conditions. We will work hard on your behalf to maximize all possibilities.
Our expertise and service begins at the top.
With 30+ years of land services experience, our CEO sets the standard for knowledge and expertise, insisting on providing every customer with a single point of contact, dedicated to helping you understand the information. We never, ever pressure you to accept an offer that makes you uncomfortable in the least. And, once you have accepted, that hassle-free experience includes less time waiting for your payment, with our near simultaneous transfer of payment and deed.
We offer you something you can believe in.
We want you to feel like you’re our priority and not just another number. That’s why we offer you more than just the best offer.
What does Vista get when we buy your royalties?
Selling your oil and gas royalty is merely selling the future royalties you might receive for the wells on your land that are producing. As a full or partial royalty owner, we don’t own your mineral rights, and can't execute more leases on your property or drill more wells. We also aren't entitled to any future lease bonuses you might receive if you allow more wells to go in.
Vista Royalty receives money only if your oil and gas minerals are producing, or drilled and pooled with a producing well.
3131 McKinney Avenue
Suite 600
Dallas, Texas 75204
PO Box 6558
Tyler, Texas 75711
Toll Free